Sunday 18 September 2016

10 Lessons We Learned From Sookie St James


Gilmore Girls just wouldn't be the same without the fun-loving, accident prone, adorable, chef extraordinaire Sookie St James. We all waited with baited breath for the news that she would be returning for the revival (and, if you're anything like me!) squealed with delight when she finally announced that she would be going home to Stars Hollow!

But more than just being entertaining, there are a lot of life lessons we gained from Sookie St James. Here are my top ten!

1. Being there for your friends is important...even if you don't know what to say!

 Even though Sookie wasn't always the best at advice talks, Lorelai always went to her when she had a problem because she knew she could count on her best friend. Being there for those you care about doesn't mean you have to give magazine worthy Agony Aunt style responses to everything they say- sometimes just listening and lightening the mood is enough. And, if you're stuck for responses, use soup as a distraction technique!

2. Food should be enjoyed not fussed over
As a chef, food is important to Sookie and she is an advocate for just enjoying what you eat rather than meticulously calorie counting and portioning to the extreme. In today's society, health consciousness has become an obsession. Whilst eating well is important, so is enjoying the experience of cooking and eating!

3. Confidence is key
Sometimes you just have to have a little belief in yourself. Instead of focussing on what you perceive to be flaws, try focussing on everything that makes you beautiful. Feeling so hot you could hit on yourself will fill you with confidence to face the day ahead!

4. Girls can make the first move
This is 2016 not 1916- it is totally fine for a girl to make a move on a guy first. Lots of guys admit to liking confident girls so why not take the chance- you might just find the Jackson to your Sookie!

5. Stressing out before a first date is totally normal!
You're hair is almost done, you're dressed to the nines and you are waiting for that moment when you have to leave the house and meet your date. And then you start panicking and before you know it, you're convinced the worst will happen. Just breathe and know everything will be okay. Even if you goof out and can only manage to say "hi" repeatedly like Sookie, you're date is probably feeling just as nervous!

6. Love doesn't have to be complicated
Even though Sookie couldn't quote Shakespeare she knew it was romantic because she felt it and kept it real. Love shouldn't have to be complicated. As long as there's Romeo and Juliet, the rest is all just blah blah blah
7. A little innuendo can lighten the mood
When Lorelai was anxious about the size of the house, Sookie lightened the mood with a little innuendo. Whilst this isn't always appropriate, sometimes a small joke can go a long way!
8. Never name food
Naming leads to attachment. Attachments make it hard to let go. Don't name cakes Clyde or you'll feel bad for letting them go.
9. Emotions aren't black and white
Sometimes you just can't sum up how you feel in one word. In such situations, it's totally acceptable to make up entirely new words...smad, hangry...the list goes on.
10. Celebrate your friends success
One of life's greatest pleasures is celebrating the successes of the ones you love...just don't get so excited you accidentally start a fire!
A thousand yellow daisies,
Dotty x


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