Sunday 25 September 2016

How To Study Like Paris Geller


I am starting back at university tomorrow so doing a 'How to Study' post seemed appropriate. Whilst Rory's style seems the most likely one to take inspiration from, I believe that you can learn a lot from Paris too

1) Have A Plan
Now, Paris plans to the extreme but knowing what you need to get done and breaking down big tasks into smaller ones can really save a lot of stress and keep you on track. Why not try a planner? Set out your week and add to your schedule everything you need to get done- it doesn't just have to be study related. Make sure you factor in free time, meal times and times for socialising time too!

2) Use A Sensible Font
Sometimes your papers will be graded on presentation, especially at college/university- make sure you use a font that is easily readable and looks professional. This sounds trivial but it will really set you up for the future!

3) Believe In Yourself
One thing Paris rarely lacks is self-belief. She knows what she wants and she believes she can get there meaning she studies with confidence. You can do anything you set your mind to! And even if things don't work out quite they way you want (like when Paris doesn't get accepted by Harvard) always believe that you can make lemonade from life's lemons- you are stronger and braver than you think...shape your life the way you want to!

4) Get A Study Buddy
Whilst Paris knew she could work well on her own, she also shared some workloads with Rory. Bouncing ideas off someone else can open your work up to new viewpoints and ideas which could ultimately improve your grades! Even if you just listen to a friend and choose not to make any changes to your work based on their opinions, it is always good to know someone is there to help if you need it!

5) Have A Hobby
Paris loved her craft table when she started at Yale because it gave her a break from all that work. Taking breaks to do something fun and relaxing is always a good idea- find something you love and don't be afraid to take some time out for yourself!

6) Talk Things Through
Whether you're stressed about work or your personal life, being able to talk things through is always a good idea. Don't bottle things up- the chance are you're not the only one feeling what you do!

7) Don't Be Afraid To Debate
Paris was very argumentative but being prepared to debate, particularly in class will not only impress your tutors but will improve your own work in the long run as you'll get more comfortable with debating with other students/academics/ideas.

8) Make The Most Of School/College/University
Whilst at times it can feel endless, your time in education really is fairly short so make the most of it before you have the responsibilities that come with adulthood. Try new things, make great friends and gather wonderful memories!

9) Be Dedicated
If you want to succeed, you need to be dedicated to whatever you're doing. Paris knew what she wanted and she worked for it. Trying your hardest is always a good option!

10) Edit! Edit! Edit!
Re-reading your work and making sure there are no typos is key! Not only will it really improve your writing but your tutors will appreciate it enormously!

A Thousand Yellow Daisies,
Dotty x


  1. you really did a very good job thanks a lot this article is helpful!!!

  2. Oop don’t forget know what you want!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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