Sunday 21 August 2016

How to Study Like Rory Gilmore


Rory Gilmore is one of my ultimate study inspirations. In countless episodes we see her working hard to maintain good grades and ultimately reach her goals. I think that it was so important for the show to depict a young girl who wanted to work because it really did inspire viewers to want to take their education seriously.

Now, I understand that formal education isn't for everyone and it by no means defines you as a person. Yes, good grades are great but there are thousands of other qualities which are equally as important or valuable.

But, if you would like to study a little bit more like Rory, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Have Goals
Rory was always working towards something. Whether it was Harvard (and then Yale) or her dream job, she was always motivated to succeed because she knew that working hard would open up opportunities. So whether your goal is something long term like getting into your dream college or landing your dream job, or something shorter term like improving your grades by one grade or learning a new skill/subject, keep hold of it. There are always going to be days when you are tired and don't want to work anymore but having that motivation in mind will always ground you and reignite that fire inside you that drives you forward.

Step 2: Read, Read and Read Some More
We all know that Rory is a bookworm and her love of books really pays off in her academic work. Having a wide knowledge of different aspects of life not only helps you with things like empathy but also allows you to link together the things that you learn, making you more likely to remember them. Especially at college/university, professors will always provide reading lists but reading around your subjects generally and moving beyond these lists will give you that extra something to make your papers stand out.

Step 3: Find What You Love
We all have that one subject that we love above all others, that endlessly fascinates us, that we never feel like we know enough about. For Rory this was English Literature and Journalism. Sticking to your passions will help you get over any motivational slumps because it is so much easier to enjoy working on a subject you love than one you hate. Whilst it is easy to let the opinions of others sway the options you choose, make sure you spare a thought for the subject that excites and challenges you- it will pay off in the end.

Step 4: Get a Study Buddy
Now, Paris might not be everyone's ideal study partner but when working together, Rory and Paris really challenged each other and drove each other forward, ultimately improving both of their studies. Sometimes other people throw out ideas that had never occurred to you, can spot errors in your work more easily and can motivate you to work harder. Plus, studying is always much better when you aren't on your own and having a study buddy gives you the excuse to order in pizza!

Step 5: Put in The HoursIt sounds obvious but to improve in your studies requires time and effort. Whilst having down time is equally as important, working enough is vital. Even just putting in an extra thirty minutes a day can really have a big impact. Try writing out a schedule for your day and try your best to stick to it- just don't forget to be realistic so that you don't burn yourself out.

Do you have any study tips of your own? Let me know in the comments!
A thousand yellow daisies,

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that's an amazing post! Thanks, I needed this! :)
