Sunday 28 August 2016

Rory Gilmore's Pro-Con List: Dean Forester


When it comes to making decisions, Rory's point of call was always the trusted pros and cons list.

So, in the first of this mini-series of posts, I create my very own pros and cons list for each of her romantic interests starting with Dean.

1) He was her first love                                            
2) He was willing to have a date where he watched Rory book shop (swoon!)
3) He was romantic                                                   
4) He cared about the small things                           
5) He got on with Lorelai                                          
6) He was a hard worker                                           
7) He went back to Rory and chose her over Lindsay                                                                 
8) Rory could open up about her feelings with him
9) He was her first time                                            
10) He understood what was important to Rory and encouraged her passions                          
11) He was willing to go to Richard & Emily's events with Rory

1) He was very jealous
2) He was needy
3) He rebounded by marrying Lindsay
4) He treated Lindsay awfully and used her
5) He cheated on Lindsay with Rory
6) He was persistent and couldn't take a hint
7) He was aggressive and could have a short temper
8) He could be sulky/broody
9) He didn't bring enough money for the basket
10) He was rude to Luke when he was trying to help him and stop him making bad decisions
11) He doesn't read

Which team are you on? Is there anything you'd have put on this pro-con list? Let me know in the comments below!

A thousand yellow daisies,
Dotty x

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